Ka Hao Te Rangatahi
”Whakatōngia ngā kākāno o ngā tini āhuatanga o te ao Pūtea” Hāpai Te Hauora presents - Ka Hao Te Rangatahi, a kaupapa focused on building financial capability and confidence within our rangatahi - our next generation of rangatira and their whānau. Through this kaupapa, we will explore some important kaupapa pūtea (money-related issues) through an ao Māori lens, presented by awesome Māori, doing awesome things and our Hāpai team. Nau mai, piki mai, whakatau mai ki te wahanga o Ka Hao Te Rangatahi!
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Nau mai, piki mai, whakatau mai ki Ka Hao Te Rangatahi!
In this episode of Ka Hao Te Rangatahi, we were joined by the lovely Kamaia Takuira-Mita, a wahine toa with whakapapa connections to Te Arawa, Kai Tahi and Hāmoa and the founder of Ara and co-founder of Toi Whakairo.
Deeply conscious of her relationship with our taiao and how our practices now impact our present and our future, she will be sharing her knowledge and expertise on our next topic, Ethical Consumerism.
Our content is intended and must be used for informational purposes only. Hāpai Te Hauora isn't a financial advisor and doesn't provide personalised financial advice. You must complete your own analysis before making any financial decisions based on your circumstances. The information shared through this podcast isn't a substitute for a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation. Always do your due diligence to make the best financial decisions for you and your whānau.
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Nau mai, piki mai, whakatau mai ki te wahanga o Ka Hao Te Rangatahi!
Susan Stephens is of Tainui descent and is a Mortgage Advisor with experience working with iwi in health, social services, environment, crown and corporate partnerships. Susan joins us in this episode to kōrero about the different financial products that are available to whānau to support them in making their financial goals a reality.
Our content is intended and must be used for informational purposes only. Hāpai Te Hauora isn't a financial advisor and doesn't provide personalised financial advice. It is essential you complete your own analysis before making any financial decisions based on your personal circumstances. The information shared through this podcast isn't a substitute for a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation. Always do your due diligence to make the best financial decisions for you and your whānau.
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Nau mai, piki mai, whakatau mai ki Ka Hao Te Rangatahi!
In this episode, we were joined by a ringa tā (tā moko artist) and kaiwhakanikoniko (graphic designer), Ben Thomason, who knows all about creating multiple streams of income to make your life whainga (goals) a reality!
Ben spoke to the team about the ins and outs of starting a side hustle from naming and registering your pākihi (business) to time management and work-life balance. Areare o taringa to find out how you can turn your passions and hobbies into something marketable and consumable.
Our content is intended and must be used for informational purposes only. Hāpai Te Hauora isn't a financial advisor and doesn't provide personalised financial advice. It is essential you complete your own analysis before making any financial decisions based on your personal circumstances. The information shared through this podcast isn't a substitute for a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation. Always do your due diligence to make the best financial decisions for you and your whānau.
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Nau mai, piki mai, whakatau mai ki Ka Hao Te Rangatahi!
He mihi nui ki a Te Kahukura Boynton, aka Māori for sharing her wheako (experiences) and mātauranga (knowledge) about investing with the Hāpai team. We bring this kete of knowledge to you in our second episode of Ka Hao Te Rangatahi.
Te Kahukura traces her whakapapa to the ancestress, Muriwai and the iwi of Te Whakatōhea. Law Student and Law Clerk by day and Māori Millionaire when she isn't doing those things, Māori Millionaire was created to document the journey of learning about financial independence and empowerment for whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori Māori. Nō mātou te whiwhi, it was our privilege to speak with Te Kahukura about her journey to financial freedom and the role that investing plays, with some tips and tricks on how you can start your investing journey.
Our content is intended and must be used for informational purposes only. Hāpai Te Hauora isn't a financial advisor and doesn't provide personalised financial advice. It is essential you complete your own analysis before making any financial decisions based on your personal circumstances. The information shared through this podcast isn't a substitute for a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation. Always do your due diligence to make the best financial decisions for you and your whānau.
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Nau mai, piki mai, whakatau mai ki Ka Hao Te Rangatahi!
In our very first episode, the Hāpai team are joined by International Opera-singing extraordinaire - Kawiti Waetford. Hailing from the North, Kawiti has hononga to Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine and Ngāti Wai. Kawiti wears many pōtae in his personal and professional life, such as pāpā and rangatahi mentor.
Kāwiti was raised with deep connections to his ao Māori and talks about how his upbringing and his values inform how he thinks about pūtea in the present.
We dive into kaupapa such as personal and cultural values, money personalities and how we think about pūtea as Māori.
Our content is intended and must be used for informational purposes only. Hāpai Te Hauora isn't a financial advisor and doesn't provide personalised financial advice. It is essential you complete your own analysis before making any financial decisions based on your personal circumstances. The information shared through this podcast isn't a substitute for a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation. Always do your due diligence to make the best financial decisions for you and your whānau.